We’re Cut from a Little Different Cloth

Installation /Object /Video

The installation reproduces the size of a cell in Plzeň Bory Prison. The time there is poorly spent, and each day is like the other. Over time the prisoners create repetitive acts that escalate into meaningless processes and “rituals,” perhaps as a defence mechanism.

Bread as a material is interwoven throughout the exhibition. The reason is, despite all the scarcity of everything, its abundance. You don‘t get it sliced, but often a whole half. Literally whole piles of it continuously overwhelm you. Bread, as a symbol of poverty, is thus once again given a typically illogical connotation in the prison space.

Daily Routine:

Identically repeated every day 

5:45 am – wake-up signal

6:00 am – “on the count” – convicts line up in the hallway and are counted to check if somebody’s missing 

6:15 am – going to work (it starts at 6:30 am 

– if I’m lucky enough to be working – breakfast is usually served at 5:00 am)

7:15 am – breakfast (if I’m not working)

7:15 am–11:30 – “Treatment Programme Activities,” free time, activities ensuring the proper operation of the prison

11:30 am–12 noon – lunch

12:40 pm–4:30 pm – “Treatment Programme Activities,” free time, activities ensuring the proper operation of the prison

4:30 – dinner

6:00 pm – “on the count” – convicts line up in the hallway and are counted to check if somebody’s missing 

6:00 pm–8:30 pm – “Treatment Programme Activities,” free time, activities ensuring the proper operation of the prison

8:30 pm–9:45 pm – free time

9:30 pm–9:45 pm – clean-up

9:45 pm – lights-out