

For convicts, the only bright moments in prison are those of imagination, dreaming, and desire. This project has a long-term character. It collects poems and text on this topic from across all Czech male prisons. The project will result in a book comprised of the collected texts. At this moment, I have more than 50 of them. The goal is to collect at least 200 of them and publish them. I have established a more intensive collaboration with Bělušice Prison, which is why we have decided to integrate it into the ART PROGRAM.

ART PROGRAM for Bělušice Prison

Having looked at the situation in prison and classified it with a subjective and stylized perspective, it was time to think about a concrete solution. ART PROGRAM for Bělušice Prison, one of the few relatively progressive prisons, was interested in participating in such program. ART PROGRAM takes inspiration from prison programs around the world that have demonstrated positive consequences. By teaching art, we help imprisoned men build healthy relationships with themselves, others, and the world around them. The program educates imprisoned men in visual arts culture and general art through workshops, lectures, debates, and consultations. We cooperate with experts in the given fields.

My experience with male prisoners is positive. The fact that the place is not ruled by hierarchic relations but primarily by mutual respect paves the way to fully-fledged cooperation. The creative process often brings satisfaction because we have something to display with pride – a poem, essay or novel, drawing or painting, performed play, or concert. I can achieve something and sense accomplishment, which somebody may have never experienced in their life before.